Baki Hanma
Unlike Yuujirou, he chooses to control his killing intent and fight his battles fair and honorably no matter what the outcome. Many of Baki's unusual training methods often earn him the admiration of many of the fighters of the underground arena for example Shadowboxing, or visualizing fighting an opponent, is a big part of Baki's regimen sometimes his visions take an almost corporeal form and given he can easily remember and replicate any technique he sees this gives him a huge edge over his opponents as he can fight them and learn their weakness' before actually fighting them. Baki has encounters with all the escaped convicts in the 'Search of Our Strongest Hero' series, has just defeated Biscuit Oliva, and is now faced with a new challenge against the prehistoric man Pickle. He is currently waiting for his fight with Pickle after Retsu and Katsumi are defeated. He had a shadow boxing visualization fight with a T-Rex prior to the Katsumi/Pickle fight. He has been recently defeated by Pickle in the Korakuen area.