Noriko "Harristin Noriko, Nori-nee, Nori-chan" Harii
The protagonist of the story; a high school junior formerly afflicted with chuunibyou from which she still has not completely recovered. She has long black hair, large breasts, and wears the titular black-rimmed glasses. Her friend Karin describes her as someone who is smart, pretty and caring. She does fine in her subjects but is admittedly bad at English.
Her meeting with her next-door neighbor, Rhiana, caused her to awaken to various dispositions she did not realize she had, though she refuses to accept them. She was shown to like little girls, something she repeatedly denied but was able to accept as something "normal". Noriko is also quite sadistic, most evident when she exhibited withdrawal symptoms after she was banned from being violent to Sheska.
It is later revealed that the cause of her chuunibyou was a magical girl anime that she watched in order to find something to talk to Mikan about. When the high school entrance exams came around, she was able to graduate from chuunibyou and discard her stuff, one of which is a self-written grimoire called the Noriko-nomico. Despite all these, she still displays some of her past quirks.
In the final chapters of the manga, Rhianna's father showed up to take his daughter back home and make her marry into another magical family who can utilize the Great Barrier magic Rhianna can't perform. This aggravated Noriko, and in an attempt to find ways to bring Rhianna back, she found out from her mother that they are descendants of the Witch Libor who created the Great Barrier.
Marquis Alkanet later revealed that he was planning to make his daughter marry into the Libor family. Noriko and Rhianna are then engaged. She now plans to study for college, and to also study magic in order to help with Rhianna's future responsibilities.