Rhianna "Master" Alkanet
A girl who moved next-door to Noriko's house. She is a self-proclaimed witch who is head-over-heels for Noriko. She had been awakened to masochistic tendencies due to Noriko, and had repeatedly made attempts to make her angry. She is very possessive of Noriko and gets jealous easily, being hostile even to her friends.
She is a fifth grader and is a classmate of Mikan who she initially antagonized. In school, she is shown to be extremely shy and clings to Mikan a lot, later becoming best friends with her.
It is hinted that Rhianna is not a normal human. Some of the perplexing things that surrounded her includes her magic book written in an indecipherable language, a tag that made an immovable mailbox vanish, a capsule that made her fluent in Japanese, and the tricks she performed that Noriko wasn't able to comprehend.
It is later revealed in the final volume of the manga that Rhianna is the daughter of Marquis Alkanet, the greatest wizard of their home country. She is also a descendant of Sorceress Alkanet, one of the Three Great Wizards who created the Great Barrier magic, magic that controls a barrier that protects their country, and thus has a duty to perform it and keep the barrier.
Despite the tricks she was able to perform, it is revealed that Rhiana can't use magic yet, something that needs to be hidden from public, and is sent to the human world to study. After finding the location of the other magical family who can perform the Great Barrier magic, her father decided to make her marry into it.
It is then revealed in the penultimate chapter that Noriko is from the said family, and the two are then engaged.