Tomura Shigaraki
In the chapter 92, it is revealed that Shigaraki Tomura is the grandson of Shimura Nana.
Each pair of the hands he wears on his body originally belonged to an individual killed by Shigaraki during the time his Quirk first manifested: the one on his neck is his mother's; on his arms, his grandfather's; on his forearms, his grandmother's; on his wrists, his sister's; and the ones in his chest and shoulders are from two unnamed street punks. The hand that holds and hides Shigaraki's face, and that he sometimes keeps in his pocket, is his father's left hand, called "Father" by him.
Later on, Shigaraki changed his goal to instead, destroy society all together rather than reshape it. He soon merged his organization and the Meta Liberation Army to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming its Grand Commander and later inheriting the All For One Quirk.
After becoming leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front and earning the respect of Gigantomachia, Kyudai Garaki subjected a willing Shigaraki to body modification surgery. While the details of this surgery and its effects are unknown, the doctor believes that it will allow Shigaraki to surpass the strength of One For All.
The modifications allow him to drastically amplify the power of his already awakened Decay Quirk, giving him the ability to disintegrate masses as large as the entire Jaku Hospital, a portion of the surrounding city and the nearby forest and mountains in one fell swoop.
(Source: Wikipedia, My Hero Academia Wiki)
Anime List
Boku no Hero Academia Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia Hero Note Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2 Heroes Rising Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season Supporting
Boku no Hero Academia Memories Main
Boku no Hero Academia Final Season Supporting