Chie Sasaki
Height: 139 cm
Weight: 33 kg
Birthday: June 7
Blood type: A
B-W-H: 73-49-73
Hobbies: Sewing
Chie is an elementary school student who acts shy upon meeting new people but later becomes very mature around Producer. Chie is very easily scared of people she doesn’t know, and in fact, was actually terrified of Producer at first. However, once she begins to trust others, Chie becomes very level-headed and mature, even flirty, after idol work. She admits that she doesn’t trust in her idol skills, and has been found out to have developed a crush on Producer by the time she receives her first idol form.
In the tie-in Cinderella Girls Theater skits, Chie shows that she still believes that theme park mascots are real. She likes to wear kimonos and has fun with Seika Suzumiya at the band event. She plays the pianica at her school and hopes to be able to play in a marching band someday. When told she would lead her fellow idols in a marching band unit, she immediately got nervous and begins to hope Producer will march right beside her. Chie partakes in singing lessons with Chika Yokoyama and Mai Fukuyama, with Arisa Mochida leading them. She admits that she doesn’t have any special skills, although she can play the whistle. She is also very proud of her ice and flower arrangement, made from a bucket.
(Source: Project iM@S)
Anime List
The iDOLMSTER Cinderella Girls Supporting
The iDOLMSTER Cinderella Girls 2nd Season Supporting
Cinderella Girls Gekijou Supporting
Cinderella Girls Gekijou 2nd Season Supporting
Cinderella Girls Gekijou 3rd Season Supporting
Cinderella Girls Gekijou 3rd Season Specials Supporting
The iDOLMSTER Cinderella Girls U149 Main
The iDOLMSTER Cinderella Girls U149 Recap Main
The iDOLMSTER Cinderella Girls U149 Special Main