His often aggravated and irritably short tempered self is caused by the lackadaisical and unfocused members of the Platoon, especially Keroro, in their invasion of Pekopon.
Giroro is often used as comic relief throughout the series, as he resides outside of the Hinata house in his tent. Most often he is crushed by something dropped from Natsumi's window, or a falling object from space, usually containing an alien of some sort (or Karara). His afro, which only appears after being caught in a blast or Dasonu*Maso's afro beam, is blond.
Anime List
Keroro Gunsou Main
Keroro Gunsou Movie 1 Main
Keroro Gunsou Movie 2 Shinkai no Princess de Arimasu Main
Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori Nazo no Otakara Daisakusen Supporting
Keroro Gunsou Movie 3 Tenkuu Daikessen de Arimasu Main
Chibi Kero Kerobouru no Himitsu Main
Keroro Gunsou Movie 4 Gekishin Dragon Warriors de Arimasu Main
Keroro Gunsou Mushakero Ohirome Sengoku Ranstar Dai Battle Main
Kero 0 Shuppatsu da yo Zenin Shuugou Main
Keroro Main