Tokimitsu "Gyurazo" Shinano


    Tokimitsu shares much in common with Ai in that both of their aura codes start off undefined. Later, it is revealed that Tokimitsu carries the gravity, or "dark" aura. Tokimitsu later takes on the name Gyurazo after his aura code. He is capable of drawing aura energy out of aura carriers, sometimes killing them outright and leaving their bodies as dried mummies.

    Tokimitsu is a pet project of the Aura Development Center. He was taken by the A.D.C from living with his older sister, Nene, who is the priestess for a local shrine. However, he is only cooperating with them in order to fix his sister's ailing health. In a cruel twist of fate, Tokimitsu learns that his own power was the cause of his sister's weak constitution.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

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