Lisa "Ginko, Pink Argus" Silverman


Date of Birth: May 4, 1982
Height: 165 cm (5'5")
Initial Persona: Eros
Ultimate Persona: Venus
Weapons: Fists

A student at Seven Sisters, Lisa is a Caucasian teenager raised in Sumaru City with pale skin, blue eyes and natural blonde hair which she pulls back with red barrettes, leaving a lock of hair falling to her jaw. She is one of the more popular girls at Seven Sisters High School, and is the self-proclaimed hottest girl in school.

Despite her appearance, she is a martial arts fanatic and a fan of Bruce Lee, using her own fists to defend herself, equipping gloves to improve the force impact. She harbors a crush for Tatsuya Suou because she thinks he is hot enough to boost her self-esteem, acting clingy towards him and follows him around with little regard to his feelings on the matter.

Lisa usually acts cool to those she is not interested in, and even haughty to those she dislikes. This could be caused by the bullying and xenophobia she experienced from the other local children when she was very young.

She rejects the role of a "traditional" Japanese woman imposed on her by her parents, and feels they are forcing their culture onto her. In response, as a form of rebellion, Lisa is learning to speak Cantonese instead of Japanese. She often mixes both languages (often saying "Aiyah!"). Lisa also engages in "dangerous" drug use and compensated dating with "dirty" older men for money.

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