

    A young princess who understands how to talk to bugs and insects, and control them with her will. The serve her as they're liege and adore her pure heart. She often has run ins with Qwan, who constantly mistakes her for a demon and tries to eat her-Once kissing her in the process. Confused by the whole circumstance involving the boy, Daki is always shy around him and threatening him-Then again, she can't be blamed. Every time she meets up with Qwan, he's on top of her ripping her clothes off, trying to constantly 'eat' her, something he can't seem to realize is impossible since she is not a demon.

    After the incident with Touda at the palace, her relationship with Qwan is getting better, as Qwan became more friendly towards her. She later returned to the Bug Forest along with Seishigaku and Hakuhiko, only to discover a shocking truth. It was found out later that Daki is Qwan's another half. She also have a symbol like Qwan, but it is located on her stomach. It was last seen by Shaga's adopted son that he saw a young girl and a young boy in the forest. The girl has many butterflies around her and the boy has a tattoo on his forehead. Qwan's wish was granted.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

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