Tenn Kujou
Birthday: July 9
Height: 173cm
Weight: 58kg
Blood type: A
Likes: cats, his fans' smiling faces
Dislikes: hot baths
Tenn has an outward appearance of an angelic kind of character. He is a perfectionist, and is strict when it comes to competency. He vowed to himself that whenever he is in public, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, he will give his best for a perfect performance. Because of his high level of professionalism, even for those who knew him previously, it is easily misunderstand that he has a cold personality.
Anime List
Leopard Eyes Main
IDOLiSH7 Supporting
Daybreak Interlude Main
IDOLiSH7 Vibrato Main
IDOLiSH7 Special Program Kimi to Furikaeranai to Supporting
Diamond Fusion Main
IDOLiSH7 Second Beat Supporting
Crescent Rise Main
IDOLiSH7 Third Beat Supporting
IDOLiSH7 Third Beat Part 2 Supporting
RabbiTube Creator ni Challenge Main
Hidden Region Main
Be Authentic Main
IDOLiSH7 Movie LIVE 4bit - BEYOND THE PERiOD Supporting
RabbiTube Mini Main
Evolution Main