Minato Takahashi
Blood type: B
A young man whose heart has a love for peace as big as the huge Pacific Ocean. He is like a big brother to everyone and listens to their troubles. He is put in charge of cooking for the dorm. He was taught by Kouji, who's an excellent cook.
(Source: ANN, kinpri.com)
Anime List
King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm Supporting
King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm Short Anime Main
King of Prism Pride the Hero Supporting
King of Prism Shiny Seven Stars II - Kakeru x Joji x Minato Main
King of Prism Shiny Seven Stars Main
King of Prism All Stars Prism Show☆Best Ten Main
King of Prism Dramatic Prism1 Supporting
King of Prism Your Endless Call - Minna Kirameki Prism☆Tours Main