Although a popular character in the Transformers universe, Skywarp seldom showed much function other than being a loyal Decepticon soldier, although he did seem to take a perverse joy in praising Megatron's brilliance as a leader in front of Starscream. Skywarp also appears to be the least-known Decepticon amongst the Autobots; while Starscream addresses him by name in "Roll for It", Optimus Prime only calls him by name in Divide and Conquer.
Despite having very few functions, those few were a key part in those episodes. Examples include when he lost self control because of Chip Chase while holding super energized Megatron ("Roll for it"); When guarding the Andes Mountain he left to aid the other Decepticons in stealing the steel they needed, leaving Starscream and Thundercracker alone to guard the mountain ("Fire in the Sky"); he used his his teleporting ability to teleport over the Autobots when racing in the Autobot Run and successfully hit them with the laser, forcing them to remain in vehicle mode ("The Autobot Run"); and when he was forced by Starscream to teleport him to Cybertron with the spacebridge, so that he could steal imprisoned personalities to create the Combaticons ("Starscream's Brigade").
In multiple episodes Skywarp is seen along with Thundercracker and Starscream to successfully attack Earth military in dogfights while in jet mode.
In the episode, "The Immobilizer", Skywarp attacked the Autobots with his "Bouncer Bomb," but it went wild and had to be destroyed by Megatron in pistol mode. This is the only time this ability has ever been seen in Transformers fiction.
In 2005, Skywarp was among those whom were thrown into space after being wounded during the battle for Autobot City. Adrift with Megatron and other wounded Decepticons, Skywarp encountered Unicron. Unicron used Skywarp's battered body to create one of Galvatron's new warriors. Skywarp arguably became Cyclonus, the loyal second in command of Galvatron, although there is controversy about this due to animation inconsistencies.
(Source: Wikipedia)