Assassin "The Hundred-Faced Hassan, Hassan-i-Sabbah"
Assassin serves as the Servant of Kirei Kotomine in the 4th Holy Grail War, his unique trait being that he can manifest as multiple entities at once.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Anime List
Fate Zero Supporting
Fate Zero Remix Supporting
Fate Zero Onegai Einzbern Soudanshitsu Supporting
Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Supporting
Fate Zero Cafe Main
Fate Grand Order Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon Supporting
Fate Grand Order Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Wakaranai Season 2 Supporting
Manga List
Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Supporting
Fate Zero Supporting
Fate Zero Supporting
All Around Type-Moon Supporting
Type-Moon Gakuen Chibichuki Supporting
Fate Grand Order Anthology Comic Star Supporting
Fate Grand Order Dengeki Comic Anthology Supporting
Fate Grand Order Turas Réalta Supporting
Fate Grand Order Comic à la Carte Supporting
Fate Grand Order Epic of Remnant - Ashu Tokuiten III Ashu Heikou Sekai - Shizan Ketsuga Butai Shimousa no Kuni - Eirei Kengou Nanaban Shoubu Supporting
Fate Grand Order Duel YA Tokuiten - Misshitsu Yuugi Makyou Shibuya - Shibuya Kettou Jiken Supporting
Fate Grand Order Eirei Shoku Bunroku Supporting
Fate Zero Kuro Supporting
Fate Grand Order Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Wakaranai Supporting