Naoya "Boy With The Pierced Ear, Naorin" Toudou


    Date of Birth: December 24, 1979
    Height: 174 cm (5'9")
    Blood Type: O
    Initial Persona: Seimen Kongou
    Ultimate Persona: Amen Ra
    Weapons: One-Handed Swords, Submachine guns

    The Protagonist is a student of St. Hermelin High School. He has black hair, brown eyes and a piercing on his left ear.

    He is a natural leader; a compassionate, perceptive, yet blunt person who is motivated to seek his personal reason for life and discourages hiding from the truth, though since he is mostly quiet and going along with everyone else, the rest of the party are surprised when he shows his hot-headed side while leading them.

    Naoya joins in on the bet between his friends to play the Persona game. Once they played the game, a little girl suddenly appeared and he, along with everyone else, falls unconscious and dreams about Philemon.

    In the Middle of a visit to the hospital, during his friend Maki's Surgery, an earthquake occurs and the surgery room was suddenly blocked by a wall when they opened the doors leading to the room. Monsters then started to appear in the hospital, attacking and killing the people inside.

    This incident awakened Naoya's Persona, along with his friends' Personas, allowing them to escape from the hospital. They then find out that they cannot leave the town. On their way back to school, they met up with Eriko Kirishima and Maki's mother, who reveals that the organization that she was working with, SEBEC, is the one responsible for what happened to their town.

    Together with his friends, Naoya must find out the reason for this demon outbreak and bring the town of Mikage-Cho back to normal while realizing what kind of person he truly is.

    In the game, at the end of the SEBEC route, After rescuing the true Maki's self from the Sea of Souls, where all human life begins, the group must then confront Pandora, an aspect of Maki that wants to use the DEVA System to destroy everything. When Pandora is defeated, all the pieces of Maki merge back into one, reversing the effects on the town and restoring her to full health. Philemon meets with the group and congratulates them on their success.

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