Satsuki Uruma


    Satsuki is Kozakura's friend and a mentor and private tutor to Toriko. She and Toriko made several trips to the Otherside, but Satsuki ultimately disappeared without a trace during one of her solo expeditions. Since then, Toriko herself has made several incursions into the Otherside, with and without Sorawo, hoping to track her down.

    In the novel, Toriko describes her as "tall, with long, black hair, glasses, and a nasty look in her eyes".
    Eventually, the girls discover that Akari was also tutored by Satsuki, even though she was never told about the Otherside.

    In the novel, Satsuki appears on several occasions in both the Otherside and the real world, but it is never known for certain whether it's the real Satsuki or another Otherside being mimicking her appearance. Both her eyes are noted to be a dazzling blue, similar to Sorawo's right eye, and she displays hypnotic abilities, incredible strength, and a cold demeanor.

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