Emma Millstein
Hobbies: Literature
Likes: Reading
Emma is a young woman with plum-coloured hair, which is worn is a long braid and mint blue eyes. Emma wears large round glasses, which she does not actually need.
As a student of Thors, Emma wore the Class VII uniform consisting of a red blazer with a purple bow on the back and around her collar, green pleated skirt and black thigh high stockings with brown shoes.
On her travels during the October War, Emma wore a black and purple corset with detached black sleeves, long tails which acted like a dress, with a white skirt, brown laced-up boots and a short white shawl around her shoulders.
Later on, Emma wears a purple sleeveless coat with long tails over a pinstripe white sweater and black lace vest, with a green miniskirt and black tights. She also has white knee high boots, several golden bangles, a flat cap. Emma later removes the cap and glasses.
Emma uses an orbal staff in combat, consisting of a large silver rod with a golden moon type attachment at the top with a round orbment installed. At one point, she uses the elder's staff, which glows purple when in her possession.
Emma is a very compassionate person. She carries herself in a quiet, yet polite and courteous demeanor, which makes her very well liked among the other students. She generally follows her tasks without much question and rarely, if ever, disregards them. Despite this, she is equally pragmatic as well as secretive.
Emma remains modest in most of her interactions with her classmates. She acknowledges Machias' one-sided academic rivalry with dismissal and kindness, and she also tutors Fie to help her with paying attention in class and getting better grades.
During the events of Trails of Cold Steel II, Emma spends most of the game grappling over her duty as a witch of the Hexen Clan, and the guilt she feels for keeping it a secret from the others. She displays a noticeable inferiority complex, developed by being in the shadow of Vita, who she regarded as a sister figure to her.
Emma was born in Eryn, the hidden village of the Hexen Clan in Isthmia Great Forest, Erebonia. Emma's mother is Isola Millstein. Emma did not get know her father, as he had died shortly after she was born. She spent time with both her mother and Vita, the latter of whom she saw as a sister figure. Isola eventually left Eryn to investigate a sudden change in the Empire's mana, leaving Emma in Roselia's care. After her mother's death, Roselia acted as a surrogate grandparent for Emma. Roselia created Celine to serve as Emma's familiar.
(Source: Kiseki Wiki)