Yuuga "Fang The Wolf" Tsukigami


    Fang is the main protagonist in the manga, teaming up with a young school girl, Mashiro, in dealing with other Zoanthropes (and other strange creatures) causing trouble in his area. Finally he has to face a dark creature, who was brought to life by the union of four talismans. Fang, by wearing special gloves, can reverse the beastly transformation of other Zoanthropes - he uses his power to defeat the evil entity.

    Yuuga Tsukigami known as "Fang", is a young independent journalist specialized in the paranormal, little is known about his past, only that Zoanthrope was born naturally, his zoanthropy is evident since his eyes are yellow like those of a wolf, his ears are pointed (pronounced Darwin's point), and has larger canine teeth than a normal human.

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