Ace "Fire Fist Ace, Hiken no Ace" Portgas D.
Ace has another tattoo on his left arm by the shoulder: it reads "ASCE" with the "S" (apparently a mistake on the part of the tattoo artist, or, alternatively, the symbol that appeared on the flag of his old crew
though it may also serves as a symbol of his other deceased sworn brother Sabo crossed out. In the English version of the anime, Ace's shoulder tattoo signifying his name is edited out, as he is referred to there as "Portgaz D. Trace." He appears in One Piece Grand Adventure, once again without the tattoo on his arm.
Ace travels around the Grand Line on his boat which is constructed so his Mera Mera no Mi fuels the engine on the rear end allowing it to move.
Currently, Ace is one of the two known pirates to ever escape arrest by the Marine captain Smoker, the other escapee being Ace's younger brother Luffy. Ace and Smoker fought to a standstill in Alabasta.
He left Fuusha Village three years before Luffy, and he is a loyal crewman and commands the Second Division of Whitebeard, his captain.
In appearance, the two brothers are obviously related, despite the fact that Ace is more muscular than the rather lanky Luffy. He also sports rather childish freckles. He is apparently narcoleptic (a trait common amongst Ace's family) and therefore falls asleep on random occasions, making people wonder if he has dropped dead. As far as personality goes, Ace is much more intelligent, polite, and generally more bearable than his younger brother, which prompts the Straw Hat crew to question whether he is truly related to their bumbling captain. However, the brothers themselves are very close, Ace portraying typical good-big-brother behaviors such as asking the crew to keep an eye on his little brother.
It is revealed that Ace had a bounty of 550,000,000 in the One Piece Ten exhibition.
It is later revealed that Ace is not biologically related to Luffy at all, but is in fact the son of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge. Ace took his mothers surname as a thanks for trading her own life while giving birth to him. Ace also hates his father for "abandoning" his mother.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Anime List
One Piece Supporting
One Piece Film Strong World Episode 0 Supporting
One Piece Cry Heart Main
One Piece 3D2Y Ace no shi wo Koete Luffy Nakama Tono Chikai Supporting
One Piece Episode of Sabo - 3 Kyoudai no Kizuna Kiseki no Saikai to Uketsugareru Ishi Main
One Piece Yuruganu Seigi Kaigun no Hokoritakaki Log Supporting
One Piece Fan Letter Supporting