Ashelia "Ashe, Amalia" B'nargin Dalmasca


    Ashe is the former Princess of Dalmasca and the only daughter of King Raminas. She is the last true descendant of King Raithwall, the Dynast King.

    Ashe was raised as the Princess of Dalmasca, the sole heiress of the Dalmascan Royal Family. She had a relatively easy early life, but was raised with the duties and responsibilities of her rank. Besides being raised in royal etiquette, Ashe was no stranger to the defensive arts.

    Married at the age of seventeen to Lord Rasler of Nabradia, both Ashe and Rasler understood the marriage was intended to cement an alliance between Dalmasca and Nabradia against the conquering empire of Archadia. Ashe said she was "willing to play her part" in the marriage, and despite the political nature of it, both parties genuinely cared for each other. She was widowed shortly afterward, when Rasler was killed at the Battle of Nalbina Fortress. This devastated the Princess and also fueled her anger and hate towards the Archadian Empire.

    She is a fiercely independent and driven woman who will stop at nothing to restore her family to its rightful place. She is proud and indignant, as well as determined and loyal. However, her strong façade is often broken when she sees Rasler, reminding her of the joyful and easier times of her youth.

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