Yajirobe shows a surprising moment of bravery during the Vegeta Saga, when he uses his katana to sever Oozaru Vegeta's tail, and later slicing through Vegeta's armor.
After that, his role as a fighter ends, and his overall role in the series is just giving the heroes Senzu Beans, although he is the spotlight of some comic-relief filler during the Artificial Human and Cell Sagas. By the time of the Majin Buu Saga, he is a minor character, but still makes small appearances. He only briefly appears in Dragon Ball GT, now having a mustache, in episode 40.
In the alternate Future Trunks time line, Yajirobe, interestingly enough, didn't go into hiding with Master Roshi and the others but instead fought against the Artificial Humans. Although this is not seen in the Trunks TV Special, a brief scene of his death is seen in the Cell Saga of the anime.
He is voiced in the original Japanese version by Mayumi Tanaka, who also voices Kuririn (this was more than likely done because the original manga has Goku saying that Yajirobe's voice sounds like Kuririn's).
(Source: Wikipedia)
Anime List
Dragon Ball Supporting
Dragon Ball Z Supporting
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04 Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Supporting
Dragon Ball Z Movie 05 Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou Supporting
Dragon Ball Z Movie 06 Gekitotsu 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi Supporting
Dragon Ball Kai Supporting
Dr Slump Movie 07 Arale-chan N-cha Penguin Mura yori Ai wo Komete Supporting
Dragon Ball Kai 2014 Supporting
Dragon Ball Super Supporting
Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Supporting