Crimgan "Druddigon"
Druddigon is known to be vicious and cunning. It warms its body by taking in sunlight with its wings; if its body temperature lowers, it becomes immobile. It has savage physical strength; it nimbly chases prey around its den, using its outstretched claws to catch them, or charging into them face-first. Instead of making its own nest, it lives in caves and tunnels dug out by other Pokémon, such as Diglett, Dugtrio, Onix, and Excadrill.
(Source: Bulbapedia)
Anime List
Pokemon Best Wishes Supporting
Pokemon Movie 15 Kyurem vs Seikenshi Supporting
Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 Supporting
Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure Supporting
Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure - Iris vs Ibuki Dragon Master e no Michi Main
Pokemon XY Z Supporting
Pokemon XY Z Subete no Nazo wo Tokiakase Supporting
Pokemon Sun Moon Supporting
Pokemon Generations Supporting
Pokemon 2019 Supporting
Pokemon Kids TV Douyou Supporting