Yadon "Slowpoke"


Slowpoke is a pink Pokémon that resembles a cross between a salamander and a hippopotamus. It has vacant eyes that never seem focused, curled ears, and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has four legs, each of which ends in a single white claw. Its long, tapering tail has a white tip. This tail drips a sweet, sappy substance that is attractive to many species of fish. Slowpoke uses the tail as a fishing lure. The tail often breaks off, but it will grow back. Slowpoke tails are considered a delicacy and commonly used as a cooking ingredient: in Alola, they are often dried and used in home-cooked stews, while in Galar, they are smoked and packaged as a curry ingredient. Slowpoke is also known to dive underwater to hunt, but is often itself caught instead.

Slowpoke has a notoriously dim intellect and often forgets what it was doing. It takes a long time to respond to outside stimuli. For example, it can take up to five seconds to process pain and can take an entire day to notice when its tail has been bitten. Slowpoke is commonly found at the water's edge. In some places, it is believed that Slowpoke's yawn causes rain. This Pokémon is worshiped in those areas. Its vacant expression is said to help some people relax, whilst causing irritation to others. It is posited that those who lead hectic lives are most likely to become relaxed.

Slowpoke has a regional form: Galarian Slowpoke.

Galarian Slowpoke's body is a slightly different shade of pink, and it has gained yellow colorations on its forehead and tail. This tail is always down and said to have a spicy taste. Much like its Kantonian counterpart, Galarian Slowpoke are known to relax on seashores and riverbanks without a care in the world. However, sometimes it will get a very sharp look in its eyes as if it is about to think of something tremendous, although it will quickly forget and return to its normal expression afterward. It is believed that this behavior, along with the spicy taste of its tail, is a result of Galarica particles built up from its diet of native Galarica seeds affecting its brain and body. This diet also affects Slowpoke's two different evolutions, including the Shellder that attaches to it, which is induced by either the Galarica Cuff or the Galarica Wreath.

Slowpoke evolves into either Slowbro or Slowking.
Galarian Slowpoke evolves into either Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

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