Gath Nigrette is the Captain of the Nigrette Company, and is also known as the "Iron-blood Gath". His father was a scholar of magical creatures. He became a part of the monster subjugation company in an attempt to gain his father's attention, but his father passed away prior to the start of the one-shot without ever giving his acknowledgement. He's especially popular with the townsfolk and ladies, much to the chagrin of Jedd, his subordinate. Due to his father's passion of bringing back poisonous magical creatures when he was a child, he's gained an immunity to all kinds of poisons, including to Misha's petrification powers.
Gath is a well-built man with short blond hair. He has a scar that runs down from his eyebrow to the side of his eye on the left side of his face. He grows a light stubble on his chin. After one of Misha's snakes bites off his pinky finger in anger, his pinky finger is permanently shortened throughout the one-shot, initially in a bandage which is removed when they go to the circus.