Itsuha Mitsukura
Mitsukura likes her body to be attractive, and when she finds out that Kyousuke has been drawing her in lewd poses, she becomes interested in him and starts asking him to draw her more and take pictures of her, and the two develop a secret and unlikely friendship. She works part-time at the gym, but most of the money is spent on her workouts and diet to build her ideal body.
Even though she is still just a high school girl, Mitsukura has a stunning body and likes to share anonymous and naughty selfies on her Instagram. She has massive breasts, wide hips, a enormous booty and thick soft thighs.
Mitsukura actually suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Even though her body is already attractive and seductive, she cannot see this in her reflection in the mirror or in the selfies she takes, where she sees a figure completely different from hers, varying between very fat or completely anorexic. And that's the main reason why she likes Ageki's drawings so much and the reactions of her followers to her Instagram photos, because others see her the way she wants to be.