Raboot is a humanoid, rabbit-like Pokémon. It has thick, fluffy fur in multiple colors: the fur on its head, hands, and small tail are grayish-white, while the fur on its body is primarily black, with red colorations on its arms, shoulders, and front half of its feet. It also has a fur collar that covers its neck and mouth like a balaclava, while its belly has tufts that are similar in appearance and function to jacket pockets. Raboot's fur protects it from the cold, and allows it to use hotter fire moves, which it delivers through the yellow marks on its forehead and soles. Raboot also has long ears, a few tufts of fur on top of its head, red irises, and a small yellow nose.
Raboot usually practices its footwork by kicking Berries from a tree's branches and then juggling them with its feet. While training its kicking attacks, Raboot tries to avoid using its arms, tucking them under its fur. This effectively prevents Raboot from losing body heat.
Raboot evolves from Scorbunny and evolves into Cinderace.
(Source: Bulbapedia)