Age "Bellcross"
He lived in an old, abandoned ship, whose mainframe A.I. was referred to as "Mother" by Age. Though the ship's A.I. did not understand most of what he said, Age truly believed it to be his mom and genuinely cared for it. When the Bronze Tribe attacked Oron, subsequently destroying Age's ship, he became enraged, summoned the Nodos, Bellcross, and destroyed the Bronze's entire fleet.
Due to his wild nature, many of the crew members on the Argonaut have called him a monkey.
Bellcross: The "essence" of a Nodos, which is stored in a stone that is wrapped around the optical nerve of Age's right eye. Bellcross is considered to be the strongest of the remaining Hero Tribe. It is shown to have the ability to absorb its enemies' lifeforce and release it as a destructive energy blast.
He refers to the Golden Tribe as "Dad and the others," and often tells people about future events the Golden Tribe told him about, decades before they actually happened. Whenever he asks for something, he says the word very slowly, since the ones who taught him the word said it the same way in order to teach him how to pronounce it correctly, so Age believes that is how it must always be said. Age almost always has a smile on his face and never gets angry at anyone, often saying how much he loves everyone on the Argonaut.
(Source: Wikipedia)