Age: 16
Likes: Sports, milk, photobombing, Hector, digging in the trash
Dislikes: Pickles, cooties, thinking too hard
Color: Orange
Flower: "Cacti are very sturdy and resilient plants by nature. They don't need much care and can survive even in seemingly impossible conditions. I guess what I'm saying... is that even you could take care of a cactus, Kel..."
Food: Orange Joe (orange juice + coffee)
Family: Hero (older brother), Sally (younger sister)
Weapon: Ball
Kel is one of Sunny's childhood friends and his next-door neighbor, along with his older brother Hero. He is the fastest member of the team, and enjoys playing with a ball and his pet rock/dog Hector. He tends to be very happy, especially with others like his friends and brother, though he also tends to bicker with Aubrey. Though he is the younger brother of Hero, Kel has moments where he feels like the older one when it comes to Hero's fear of spiders.
Kel was the least affected of the group after Mari's death; he was able to cope with the tragedy through sports and maintaining his cheerfulness. When Sunny finally leaves his house after four years, he sees that Kel has went through a huge growth spurt. He is loyal, social, and tries to see the good in everybody. His sense of justice is strong, but he can be thoughtless and aggressive when it comes to it, as is the case with his estranged friendship with Aubrey, who resents him in the present.
(Source: Omori Wiki)