

    Birthday: January 1 (Capricorn)
    Age: 19
    Likes: Cooking, baking, tea, Mari's hugs, helping others
    Dislikes: Spiders, exercise, sweating, instant ramen
    Color: Blue
    Flower: "Pink roses symbolize admiration... orange roses symbolize passion... yellow roses symbolizes friendship... and the list goes on. Hero doesn't remind me of any rose in particular. I think Hero is like all roses, because he's versatile and universally loved."
    Food: Hero sandwich
    Family: Kel (younger brother), Sally (younger sister)
    Weapon: Cooking utensil

    Hero is one of Sunny's childhood friends and his next-door neighbor, along with his younger brother Kel. He is the support member of the team who enjoys cooking food for everyone. He also tends to be the peacemaker, often mediating conflicts between Kel and Aubrey. Hero has a reputation for being very charismatic and practically being an overachiever, being the favorite in his family. Despite this, he has arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and his real name is not "Hero", being a nickname not for any special heroic deeds but because he simply loves hero sandwiches. He is very fond of Mari.

    Hero and Mari had a very close relationship, often taking on responsibilities and casually flirting together. Due to Mari's death, Hero became severely depressed and lost his desire of being a chef, even once lashing out at Kel during his grief. He seems to have recovered by the time Sunny sees him four years later, being cheerful and there for his friends; he however still thinks about Mari everyday. Hero is able to bring the original friend group together, resolving Kel and Aubrey's anger at each other and remembering their times together back when Mari was still alive.
    (Source: Omori Wiki)

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