Miki Koishikawa
When she was in junior high, she confessed her love to a male friend of hers named Ginta, but it was a disaster, and Miki ended up heartbroken. Because of their friendship, Miki was shocked. But eventually, she got over it and became friends with him again.
When Miki was in high school, her parents went on a trip to Hawaii and decided to swap spouses with another couple. The other couple had a son the same age as Miki, and they all moved into a large house to live together. That boy was Yuu Matsuura, and Miki started to fall in love with him as they came to know each other better. However, Miki was very uncertain of herself and became jealous because Yuu was always surrounded by other girls, several of them being very beautiful while Miki was only average-looking.
(Source: Wikipedia)