

Gogoat is a quadrupedal, hooved Pokémon similar to a goat. The fur on its face is white with fluffier fur on the chin and the back of its head is dark brown. It has a black nose, red eyes encircled by black markings, a brown blaze down the middle of its face, and rounded ears. On top of its head is a pair of curving black horns that extend over its back. It is covered in shaggy, brown fur that is darker across the back and lighter around the belly and legs. Around its neck is a thick, green leafy mane that extends down its back and ends in a short, bushy tail. The fur on its legs is shorter than the rest of its body; it is dark brown on the upper leg and white around the feet. Each foot ends in a cloven, brownish-orange hoof.

Gogoat has been domesticated by people since 5,000 years ago, and is often used for transport. Gogoat is known to have empathic abilities that allow them to sense the feelings of whoever grips its horns. It does this by sensing subtle changes to the grip, and this ability is so acute that it can move as if it and its rider were one being. In the wild, Gogoat lives in herds in mountainous regions. The leader of the herd is decided through battles with its horns.

Gogoat evolves from Skiddo.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

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