A member of the Penal Hero Unit 9004. He is a large man with a blond mustache and hair. He also has a permanent, pompous expression as if he was someone important - specifically a king. Norgalle is referred to as 'his Majesty' by the other Penal Heroes. He believes he is the rightful king of the Federated Kingdom. Despite his personality and attitude, he is very talented at tuning sacred seals and is the Penal Unit's engineer. He always acts very humble with Teoritta, a goddess, which is the opposite of how he normally treats others. Besides, he also has a good memory. After a series of disappearances - specifically a royal family member, a genius sacred seal tuner at the Temple, and a journalist - a terrorist attack was launched on the Second Capital of the Federated Kingdom. He was caught after starting terrorist attacks against 'traitors' who 'stole' his castle.