Hoshigumo-chan "Nebby"


Nebby is a major character in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon.

Nebby is a Cosmog owned and nicknamed by Lillie, forming as one of the central characters for Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. As like all Cosmog, it has has child-like behavior, and is in most cases, completely unaware of the world around it. It is incredibly curious and carefree to the point of even ignoring common orders. Despite this behavior, it is still trusting of certain people, such as Lillie. Nebby has an interest in Alola's ruins and Guardian deities, and because of this it attempts to leave Lillie's bag on its own, unknowing that it may risk itself to danger. In order to protect itself and the people around it, it will attempt to use its powers to either push objects away or teleport to new location.

In Pokémon the Series Sun and Moon, Ash's Cosmog, nicknamed Nebby by Lillie, is a recurring Pokémon character taken care of by Ash, and his fifty-second Pokémon overall.

It later evolves into Cosmoem and again into Solgaleo.
Nebby appeareds in Pokémon Evolutions episode 2: The Eclipse. It was first seen in a flashback as a Cosmog, being attacked by a group of Spearow at Mahalo Trail.

It next appeared in another flashback as a Cosmoem, being used by Lusamine to open an Ultra Wormhole. Lillie later took it to the Altar of the Moone, where it evolved into Lunala. When Necrozma appeared from an Ultra Wormhole, Nebby battled against it but wound up being absorbed by it.
As a Cosmog, Nebby appears alongside Lillie and Selene in the GOTCHA! music video.

(Source: Bulbapedia, edited)

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