Ringo Akai first appeared in the Japan-exclusive video game Tokyo Mew Mew – Tojo Shin Mew Mew! – Minna Issho ni Gohoshi Suru Nyan. Unlike her teammates, Ringo isn’t infused with animal DNA, instead using the Mew Aqua necklace inherited from her mother to fuse her DNA with the DNA of her pet Humbolt penguin, Yuki. Her mother is deceased and it’s unknown where her father is, Ringo lives with her older brother, Mashio.
She transforms into a Mew Mew after Quiche turns her pet penguin into a Chimera Anima.
Ringo is 11 years old.
Outside of the video game she originated in, Ringo has only ever appeared in the Petite Mew Mew manga story.