Folken "Stratego" Fanel
(The Strategos or tactician of Zaibach, Folken is revealed to be Van's older brother and the original heir to Fanelia. After he failed to kill a dragon, he lost an arm to the beast and was later picked up by the Zaibach, who nursed him back to health under Dornkirk's instructions and fitted him with a mechanical arm. He originally joined the empire in hopes of realizing Zaibach's ideals of a world free of war...)
For all that for the first few episodes of the series Folken seems like a rather heartless, robotic devote of Zaibach's regime, he reveals himself to be a profoundly brilliant and compassionate man. He is an engineer, a sorcerer, a chemist, and a strategist of a caliber paralleled only by Dornkirk himself. He is a true archetypal tragic villain; he truly does think that what he is doing is for the greater good. Ultimately, his desires go far beyond merely wanting to eliminate war—he wants to re-create the very laws of "fate" governing a world he sees as otherwise doomed to seep itself in needless tragedy.
(Source: Wikipedia)