Ridley Silverlake


    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 161 cm

    The only daughter of a family whose clan holds the crest of the Great Eagle of the North. She is very composed and serious, and is very stubborn at the same time. However, when she receives an order, she will go through with it despite her own feelings. She actually has a very fragile lady-like side, and takes forever to come up with a solution when faced with a problem.

    As she was born into a family of nobles, Ridley was trained from a very young age to become a Radiata Knight and never had time for what most kids would call fun.
    Her father, Lord Jasne Colton, has a different last name because the Silverlake name is only held by those related by blood.

    She later receives a transpiritation ritual when she almost dies, and later becomes the vessel of the gold dragon Quasar, but doesn't fulfill this role on either path. On the Human Path, she is killed by Aphelion. On the Fairy Path, Jack pulls her away from Quasar's spirit.

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