The Dark Liege "Ugly"


    The Demon World's leader, who sends Nora off to the Human World for "obedience lessons". Though being evil is her full-time job, the Dark Liege never neglects her beauty regimen. She often changes from her monstrous true form, which some readers didn't realize was that the liege was female, to her "smokin' hottie" human form and back with out warning or purpose. She's also known as, according to Kazuma, "old big and busty". Several characters have called her "Her Vain Highness". As for Nora, he refers to her as "ugly". The Dark Liege is often shown to be willing, even eager, to provide fan service as well. This is shown in her various phone calls to Kazuma Magari to check up on him and Nora. The Dark Liege used to be the master of the previous Cerberus Deigree. Her magical weapon is a longsword, as shown when she was engaged in battle with Fall.

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