

    173 cm tall
    Hobbies: Napping, Massages, Travel.
    Tattoos: Has a serpent on his left upper arm, and a venus flytrap on his back.
    Tabacco: Marlboros

    Owner of bar Benten, where all the city's creatures go to relax and unwind. He's a three-legged monster bird (Yatagarasu), and so beautiful he makes grown men miss the last train. He can turn into a golden crow, and observes the city from the sky and supplies his brethren with valuable information-for a price. He's an old friend of Byakko, Murakumo, and Kiyoami, and is especially close to Murakumo. And by the way, he is a guy. Apparently he has siblings in Chichibu in the Saitama prefecture.

    (Source: Zone-00 Vol 1 Character Profiles)

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