Basch Fon Ronsenburg
He was born in the Republic of Landis, along with his twin brother Noah. After the Archadian Empire conquered their homeland, Basch fled to Dalmasca, becoming a prominent and beloved member of the Kingdom.
When Archadia attacked Nalbina Fortress, Basch led the defense. He, along with Lord Rasler Heios Nabradia, valiantly defended the fortress against the invading armies of Archadia. However, the Archadian forces proved too much for them to handle. Basch was the one responsible for carrying Lord Rasler from the field of battle after he was mortally wounded by an arrow to the chest. After the Archadian occupation, he and Captain Azelas led an assault on Nalbina Fortress in an attempt to save the king, only to be captured by Imperial forces.
As part of Vayne's plot to frame Basch, Noah, now called Gabranth, posed as Basch and slew the Dalmascan king and Vaan's older brother, Reks, who witnessed the crime. As a result, Basch is regarded by the Dalmascans as a traitor, and was stated to have been executed by Marquis Ondore.
In reality, Basch was imprisoned alive in the Nalbina Dungeons by Vayne as a means of ensuring Ondore's loyalty to the Empire—if Ondore betrayed the Empire, Vayne could announce Basch's continued survival to make him appear to be the Empire's puppet and destroy the Marquis' credibility.
He was eventually freed by Vaan, Balthier, and Fran who were trying to escape Nalbina dungeons. Though all three were initially suspicious of him, Vaan in particular, the party did catch a look at Gabranth's face, lending credibility to Basch's story that he had been framed.
After the escape, he vowed to protect Ashe and help the resistance, in spite of his past failures. He remained loyal as well, despite the resistance's mistrust.
It was Basch's devotion to honor despite everything else that most puzzled his twin, Gabranth, and was the source of the division between them.
After the final battle against Vayne, as Noah was dying, he asked his brother to protect Larsa in his place to ensure peace. Because of the common belief that Captain Fon Ronsenberg was dead, Basch easily took over his brother's stead as "Judge Magister Gabranth" to be the protector of the new Emperor Larsa Solidor.