Five years before the Archadian invasion, a plague struck Rabanastre, killing Vaan's parents, and as a result Vaan and Reks were adopted into Penelo's household.
The Archadian invasion claimed the lives of Penelo's family members as well as Reks, leaving her and Vaan as orphans. Migelo, a friend to Penelo's parents, took them under his care and gave them work at his sundry shop.
Penelo is usually trying to keep Vaan out of trouble, but she could not stop Vaan from intruding into the palace grounds.
She encountered Vaan, who was arrested along with Balflear and Fran. This encounter forced her into a series of events, when she was kidnapped by Bangaa headhunter Ba'gamnan and held as hostage in exchange for Balflear. When she managed to escape, she met with Larsa Solidor, one of the sons of Archadian Emperor Gramis, who took care of her and convinced her that he wishes to make peace with Dalmasca. When she is finally reunited with Vaan, she made him promise to not leave her side, and ever since traveled with Vaan, furthering their relationship as Sky Pirate and partner.