They won what as supposed to be their last match easily and declined the chance to fight a 2nd match for extra prize money. After receiving the small sum they made from a single match demon beetles attacked the dome and Vermillion was realizing the return of the Demon King had came. The black dragon that had killed Rulishias father had assisted and killed the commandos in charge of protecting the town that was destroyed. This gave Rulishia a chance for revenge at last and with the help of Vermillion. Upon finally killing the black dragon, which had turned out to be a demon infiltrating the Ryuto, Vermillion had to go off with the rest of the dragons to fight the Demon King and protect the earth. Rulishia was also aware that the horn she thought she got from Vermillion was a fake as he then explained that he promised a young girl that he would protect the beautiful sky no matter what. Rulishia was left alone at the tower with Booster Dragon as Vermillion and the other dragons flew towards the Demon King to fight.