Larsa Ferrinas "Lamont" Solidor


    Larsa is a 12-year-old Hume, the fourth and youngest son of Emperor Gramis of Archadia, and brother of Vayne.

    He is by far and quite obviously the Emperor's favorite, and Gramis works tirelessly to ensure that Larsa remains pure and free from the stain of politics and war. Though only twelve years old, Larsa is idealistic and believes that the strife within Ivalice can be quelled without war.

    Larsa possesses a great deal of respect for House Solidor and the men of his family, especially his older brother. The Senate, however, fears Vayne's growing power and the perceived threat to their own, and thus plot from the beginning of the game to place Larsa on the throne with the hopes of easily manipulating him from behind the scenes.

    During the course of the story, however, Larsa proves himself to be more capable than the Senate believes. He travels with Vaan and company under the alias "Lamont" during their trip to the Lhusu Mines to rescue Penelo. However, his knowledge of nethicite exposes him.

    Larsa helps Vaan and company escape from the Leviathan and later joins the party again at Jahara, urging Ashe to use her influence on the Resistance to prevent an aggravation between the warring countries. He leaves the party at Mt. Bur-Omisace, after learning from Al-Cid Margrace that his father had been murdered, attempting to reason with Vayne. However, seeing Vayne wouldn't listen to reason, Larsa aided Vaan and company in battling Vayne.

    After his brother is defeated, Larsa takes his place in the Archadian throne and settles into peace agreements with Basch as his protector.

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