Pitcher. Saruno's favorite nickname for Inukai is ganguro because of his tanned skin and silver hair. Likewise, Inukai's favorite nickname for Saruno is "baka saru", a play on Saruno's last name that means "stupid monkey". He claims that his favorite activities include 'monkey-torturing' and 'monkey-hunting' after Saruno annoys him while he is saying his self-introduction. Inukai used to play softball and uses a special softball throw that rises or sinks depending on how the ball is thrown. This is just a ploy to trick his opponents, however, and his real pitching style is a lightning-fast left-handed pitch. Inukai is a serious person and cannot stand the boisterous Saruno. Despite his cold demeanor, Inukai is quite popular with the girls, even though he doesn't like being the center of attention. All of the love towards him is rather one-sided, because he 'is clumsy with girls'.
(Source: Wikipedia)