Licca "Licca-chan" Kayama
But after a string of events of her getting herself kidnapped, her mother and grandmother decides to tell her the truth of her birth.
She wears a pink Calling Bracelet on her wrist that lights up when she's in trouble. Her grandmother, at first was the one to chant the magic words to call on one of the Doll Knights to save her; later in the story, her grandmother adds something to her bracelet so she would be the one to chant the words and Doll Licca will come to save her.
Licca Kayama's initial design was taken from the long-selling and popular Takara doll lineup "Licca-chan", created by Miyako Maki in Japan, and the series was a spin-off of the so called lineup.
Anime List
Super Doll Licca-chan Main
Licca-chan Fushigi na Mahou no Ring Main
Licca-chan no Nichiyoubi Main
Licca-chan Fushigi na Fushigi na Yunia Monogatari Main
Licca-chan to Yamaneko Hoshi no Tabi Main
Super Doll Licca-chan Licca-chan Zettai Zetsumei Doll Knights no Kiseki Main
Licca-chan to Mahou no Kuni Main
Cinderella Hime Licca-chan Main
Shirayukihime Licca-chan Main
Oyayubi-hime Licca-chan Main
Mermaid Licca-chan Main