Coby Hansen
Later in the show, he actually refits a destroyed Scrapmetal as his own personal vehicle called the Cobybot ("Cobyrumble" in Galaxy Force), earning himself an Autobot Commission and an active role in the battles after he used it to save Bud, who was trapped among the Decepticons. He is very protective of his little brother Bud.
From the onset of the series, Coby has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with Lori; their first conversation is an argument (in the Japanese version, she mocked him for liking machines to living creatures). However, as the series progressed, the two of them developed a strong unspoken bond, strengthened by their time with the Autobots.
In the finale, as the Autobots prepare to leave, in order to begin construction of a new space bridge, Coby is joined by Lori as he sits on his drone. He tells her that he intends to study hard and someday go up into space to help out; Lori replies to the effect that she'll see him there. The pair hold hands and (in a first for a Transformers series) share a kiss.
The epilogue montage shows both Coby and Lori in space suits, successfully keeping their promise to meet up in space. The final scene of Galaxy Force is a picture of their wedding, surrounded by their family members, as well as Landmine, Six Speed, and Optimus Prime in the background together.
(Source: Wikipedia)