Touya "Pointy Teeth" Kanou
Touya is a vampire that Chiyuki meets. While Touya tells Chiyuki that he hates blood, Yamimaru reveals to Chiyuki that he, like any other vampire, does indeed like blood, but simply doesn't want to be a burden on anyone. He can be out during the daytime, though still avoids garlic. Since he doesn't take in any blood, he has become anemic and whenever he is starving for food, he often falls over and is unable to move around until his bat Yamimaru comes to help him.
The main reason Touya doesn't want to look for a partner is that he has too nice a personality and wouldn't want to force anyone to live for 1000 years as he sees it as more of a curse than a blessing. He often puts on the façade that he's a tough guy, but in reality he's quite the opposite. He extremely dislikes Satsuki. As noted by Yamimaru, he is just jealous that he and Chiyuki have become so close because he cares for Chiyuki more than anyone else.