Shouta Mitarai
Birthday: April 20
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 49 kg
BWH: 77-60-79
Shouta Mitarai is the youngest member of 961 Production's Jupiter male idol group with Touma Amagase and Hokuto Ijuuin. His hobbies are napping and honoring parents.
Anime List
The iDOLMSTER Supporting
The iDOLMSTER 765 Pro to Iu Monogatari Supporting
The iDOLMSTER Shiny Festa Supporting
The iDOLMSTER Movie Kagayaki no Mukougawa e Supporting
The iDOLMSTER SideM Main
The iDOLMSTER Prologue SideM Episode of Jupiter Main
The iDOLMSTER SideM 315 Variety Pack Made In Passion Main
The iDOLMSTER SideM Wake Atte Mini Main
The iDOLMSTER SideM Wake Atte Mini Specials Main