Joshua is a person who speak his mind. He is shown to love his wife deeply and kiss her in the presents of others. He will also call other women piggies and that their husbands volunteer to marry them.
He has short dark wild hair. He has 4 lines under each eye and what appears to be a third eye on his forehead. He also has stubbles on his chin and upper lip. Joshua also has two earrings on both of his ears. Joshua wears a black jacket, with a white button down shirt under it, along with a pair of black pants. He wears pointy shoes. He also wears a collar along with a necklace and has a wedding ring on his left hand.
After Rosetta awakens his powers with her Princess Kiss he wear a black coat with wings along with long pointy hat. His pants also change to white. He also has pointy boots and what appears to be mechanical like hands.
(Source: Magico Wikia)