Hisui "Jadeite" Hearts
Age: 18
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 184 cm
Weapon: Gale Arc
Japanese Voice Actor: Masaya Matsukase
When Hisui was young he lost a relative, he has a strong sense to excessively try to protect his younger sister. He has a rough outward appearance and acts cool, but inside he has a stubborn heart and is hot-headed.
At the begining of the game he is being chased by Incarose along with Kohak. They jump off a cliff and end up in the beach of Shing's hometown. Here, he mistakes Shing for being a pervert who tries to forcefully kiss Kohak (when he just tried to save her), and hurts him. He develops a strong friendship with Shing Meteoryte and Kunzite later in the game, and eventually develops a friendship with Richea Spodune.