East Kaioshin (Supreme Kai in the dub, Lord of Lords in Viz Media's release of the manga) is the supreme ruler of the Eastern Quadrant of the Universe along with his best friends, and under his superior, Dai Kaioshin (Grand Supreme Kai in the dub). He is short, purple skinned with white hair, dressed in a posh Kaio outfit and always accompanied by his ever-loyal bodyguard and friend, Kibito. East Kaioshin survived Majin Boo's assault on the Kaioshin to become the only surviving Kaioshin. East Kaioshin mentions that he was the weakest of the four Kaioshin. Afterwards, he is typically called only Kaioshin, since there are no others to confuse him with. In Dragon Ball Super it is revealed that his real name is Shin, which was a callback to the nickname he had used when he and Kibito entered the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai at the start of the Majin Boo story arc.
During the Boo arc, he accidentally becomes permanently fused with his servant Kibito to form Kibitoshin. However, the two are separated in Dragon Ball Super when they make a wish on the Namekian Dragon Balls.
(Source: Wikipedia)