Innes Lorenz


    Age: 24
    Weight: 54 kg / 119 lbs
    Height: 168 cm / 5'6"
    Race: Human
    Occupation: Every Day is a Peaceful Day
    Weapon: Folseus
    Japanese Voice Actor: Shizuka Itou

    Innes is a woman outside the normal, with superhuman strength and a glamorous body. She is the manager of the transport shop Every Day is a Peaceful Day and is the sole employee of it. She gently smiles, though with no breaks in her speech and conduct. Early in the game, Jadeite Hearts begs her to sell him a Soma to help Shing Meteoryte gather Amber Hearts' Spirune, and she agrees to lend it to him for a while. Later on, after clearing Beryl Benito's Spir Maze, it turns out that she has the rights to Beryl's Soma, but says she will not take it away. She herself possesses the Soma named Folseus. She develops a strong rivalry with Beryl early on the game.

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